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Huashang College, Guangdong University of Finance and Economics

Bachelor's Degree/Chinese Language and Literature

Sep 2015 - Jun 2019

My bachelor's degree in Chinese Language and Literature has equipped me with a solid foundation in linguistics and literature. Throughout the course, I delved into the intricacies of the Chinese language, studying grammar, rhetoric, literary theory, and the history and development of Chinese literature. This comprehensive study provided me with a profound understanding of the complexity and depth of the Chinese language. The impact of this degree on my role as a teacher is multi-faceted: 1. In-Depth Teaching Knowledge: By studying literature, linguistics, and literary theory, I gained a deep understanding of the multi-layered structure, grammar rules, and rhetorical techniques of the Chinese language. This allows me to explain language phenomena in a more nuanced way, aiding students in better understanding and mastering the language. 2. Cultural Understanding: Chinese Language and Literature studies encompass not only language but also research in Chinese literature and culture. This enables me to integrate a broader cultural background into my teaching, helping students to comprehend and appreciate Chinese more holistically. 3. Diversity in Teaching Methods: Studying Chinese Language and Literature exposed me to different literary genres and teaching methods. This diversity allows me to employ varied teaching strategies to meet the learning needs of different students. 4. Research Skills: The bachelor's program fostered my interest and skills in research, enabling me to delve deeper into linguistic and literary issues. This has positively impacted me not only as an educator but also as a continuous learner. In summary, my bachelor's degree in Chinese Language and Literature has laid a robust foundation in linguistics and literature, providing me with valuable resources to be a comprehensive and diverse Chinese educator.


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